Heated up

When I ride by myself, I end up pushing to see how hard I can go. When I’m with others, I wait for them, or (more often) they wait for me, and we take plenty of breathers. Today at Broemmelsiek Park I was by myself.

Add to this, it was a warm afternoon, mid-eighties, and Jack’s Loop is only 60% wooded. So I was out in the sun on a hot day, pushing. It was fun, but I was a little beat, tripling my average speed from the first time I rode this loop.

The fauna at Broemmelsiek seemed surprised anyone was out riding on a Wednesday – A baby rabbit was convinced that I was chasing him down the trail, and two (presumably?) different squirrels darted back and forth across the trail in near-fatal indecision. Dragonflies basking in the singletrack lit away at the last moment at regular intervals. It was a good workout and a good nature ride.

Only one pause on the trail
Whew! That was a hard one!

Endurance Test

A return to SIUE’s trails for me on a humid 87 degree afternoon – I wanted to ride the half of trail 2 I hadn’t done before and take trail 3 as well.

I rode the steeper, less meandering side of trail 2 to its connection with trail 6, took water on the fly along the road to the trail 4 trailhead without stopping, and pounded my way to trail 3. I took trail 3 to its trailhead at Cougar Village before stopping for water and a breather. I continued on trail 3 back to it’s juncture with trail 4, but more slowly, with sweat pouring into my eyes. I popped out at the trailhead on New Poag Road, took another water break and a selfie, and then connected with trail 1, riding it all the way to its southern end. I dropped into the lowest gear to slowly climb the abandoned blacktop while I took even more water.

The entire ride was 56 minutes, and I was soaked with sweat. I’ve wised up and started bringing a change of t-shirt. My car’s upholstery approves.

Too tired to properly snap pics

Many Bridges

Twelve Year Old Henry and I explored the trails at Silver Lake in Highland Illinois today. The trail runs along the banks of Silver Lake, and there are many little bridge features to cross. We did the entire length of the trail out-and-back and took some pictures and video.

Lake, woods, trail, bikes, father, son – this picture has it all
Henry didn’t even hesitate to cross these bridges

Different Strokes

For reasons I may some day describe, I gave up motorcycles. More than a year ago I let go of the ten (!) motorcycles in my garage.

But I couldn’t stay away from riding. This Spring I have returned to my roots – I bought a bicycle. The bike I chose was an inexpensive and decidedly “old school” 27.5″ XC mountain bike featured at my local sporting goods store.

I’ve been riding on paved trails for exercise, which is completely unworthy of a blog, but more recently, I’ve been going off road trail riding. I love it. It’s all the best parts of dirt biking, but with more local options, far less transportation hassle, and very little cost.

So the riding, cheesing, clicking, and repeating have resumed, just in a more economical and ecological manner.

To celebrate, here’s some shots from my latest trip to the SIU-Edwardsville Trails

About to hit the last trail of the day
SIUE trails are tight and fast
rounding a corner at the edge of the woods
Lots of little cobble-stone creek crossings